Amnesty International Award
In this year’s competition for films on human rights issues, the Amnesty International jury will award one of the 7 best such films with EUR 3,000 in prize money. Draginja Nadaždin, Tadeusz Sobolewski, Mirosław Chojecki will be the members of the jury.
Draginja Nadaždin talks about the idea behind the Amnesty International Award:
In the year of its 50th anniversary, Amnesty International would like to focus on the emerging new issues connected with protection of human rights. We are looking for a film that would portray the situation of people whose rights are infringed upon and the problems they face. We are interested in a number of topics; however, what is most important is the kind of means used to show and inform about cases of human right infringement.
By presenting the topic of human rights in global terms, for many documentary films become sources of inspiration and motivation to act. Filmmakers are thus successfully making people aware about the status of human rights throughout the world. It is important that they themselves are not left indifferent.
Our award is presented as a means of thanking the filmmakers, whose film will communicate the values crucial to all human rights activists.
Films in the competition
/ Barzakh. Pomiędzy światami
, 87 min
Blood In the Mobile
/ Krew w twoim telefonie
, 82 min
Crude. The Real Price of Oil
/ Surowa cena ropy
, 105 min
Green Wave, The
/ Zielona rewolucja
, 90 min
/ Chodorkowski
, 111 min
Precious Life
/ Życie jest cenne
, 86 min
You Don't Like the Truth
/ Nie zależy wam na prawdzie
, 99 min
Draginja Nadazdin – Chairman of the Jury
Draginja Nadazdin is a chief executive of Amnesty International Poland. A graduate of the Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology Institute at Warsaw University and the Human Rights School run by the Helsinki Foundation for Human Rights. She has been working in the non-government sector since 1999. Since 2000 she has been a contributor of a social and cultural periodical (Op. cit.,)
Tadeusz SobolewskiFilm critic, graduate of the Polish Studies Department at Warsaw University. In the years 1974 to 1981 he worked for Film monthly. Until 1994 he had been the chief editor of Kino monthly. He currently works as film critic in daily Gazeta Wyborcza.
Miroslaw ChojeckiUniversity of Warsaw graduate, organisation of television production instructor at Collegium Civitas and the Melchior Wańkowicz School of Journalism in Warsaw. Producer of more than 400 documentary films and TV programs worldwide. Chairman of Media Kontakt since 1984. Co-founder and honorary president of the Free Speech Society. Amnesty International Prisoner of Conscience in the 1980s.