9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 May 2014

Debate: Borders of Slavery? – after the screening of “Modern Slavery”

MAY 18
In Polish and English.
Free entry. Priority for holders of tickets for the screening preceding the event.

The film "Modern Slavery", presented as part of “Borderlines” section, will be followed by a debate about human trade. Can politics of border control help to fight the phenomenon? Abolishing of slavery became a subject of international deals and laws in the past century. Yet there are more slaves in the world than in any other moment in history. The film follows several people from different continents, contemporary slaves. The debate will combine voices of people helping victims of human trafficking, people whose work is connected with border control and scientists. Can national borders be an impenetrable barrier for criminals? Can border controls help victims of inhumane abuse?


Duco van Heel – External Relations Officer, Frontex
prof. UW dr hab. Zbigniew Lasocik – Head of Human Trafficking Studies Center, Department of Criminology and Criminal Policy, Warsaw University
Tomasz Nowak – BG Major, human trafficking expert and coordinator, Intelligence and Investigation Department of the Polish Border Guard Headquarters
Irena Dawid-Olczyk – president of "La Strada" foundation


Adam Leszczyński – journalist, daily newspaper “Gazeta Wyborcza”