8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 May 2014

Competitions: Radical Democracy Award

“Radical Democracy: Video Challenge for an Open Society” is an international challenge for short media works, launched a few months before the EU elections, addressed to media makers, social activists and critical thinkers, who shared their views on “Europe”. They challenged prevailing notions of democracy and representation, reflected on alternatives, and created new narratives for an open society. Through individual stories and creative media works, makers were able to represent themselves and their communities, locally and globally. This is what we call Radical Democracy. we invite you to join us at the award ceremony and the screening of the awarded videos. Radical Democracy is supported by the Open Society Foundations.

The award ceremony will be held on May 18, 2014 in Kinoteka, during the screening of awarded videos.