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Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery
Modern Slavery
Niewolnicy XXI wieku / Moderne slaveri
dir. Tina Davis, Thomas Robsahm, Norway, 2009, 108 mins
Section: Borderlines
Screening times
May 18 16:00, Kinoteka 1
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About the film

Slavery exists despite the fact that it is illegal everywhere. Today, there are more slaves in the world than at any given point before in history. Trafficking, child labour, sex slavery, debt slavery and child soldiers are among the most common forms of modern slavery. In the film we meet slaves from Uganda, India, Moldova, Cambodia and France. Why does slavery still exist and what will it take to finally get rid of it? The price of slaves is at a historic low and they are consequently more exposed: they can be used, discarded and replaced. They are abused and dishonoured, denied their freedom and refused medical assistance. The documentary “Modern Slavery” is stylistically assured and powerful. It manages to inform about the big picture but also move through the fate of individuals in France, India, Uganda, Cambodia and Moldova. Here are intimate encounters with people who have succeeded in escaping from slavery and have established new lives. In our age we have a historical opportunity to abolish slavery for good. We all share the responsibility. Are we going to take it?

Special events accompanying the screenings:

May 18, Sunday | 16:00 | KINOTEKA | Debate: Borders of Slavery?


Reżyseria/Directed by: Tina Davis, Thomas Robsahm
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Marianne Bakke, Joachim Hoge, Kim Hopkins
Produkcja/Production: Margreth Olin, Thomas Robsahm; Speranza Film AS

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