PDFF 2013 PDFF 2013
dir. Siergiej Łoźnica, Germany, 2003, 60 mins
Screening times
May 10 16:00, Iluzjon Stolica
May 13 18:30, Iluzjon Mała
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About the film

Winter in a small town in the provinces of Russia. A group of individuals are waiting for a bus which will take each one of them towards their final destination. In the meantime, the film cameras record their faces and their conversations in a long sequence which catapults the spectator into a universe of ordinary everyday life.

Wybrane festiwale i nagrody / Selected festivals and awards: 2003 – MFF Bruksela: Grand Prix / IFF Brussels: Grand Prix, 2003 – DOK Leipzig: Nagroda za Najlepsze Zdjęcia / DOK Leipzig: Best Camera, 2003 – MFF Sibiu: Nagroda Jury / Sibiu IFF: Jury Award

Attend the masterclass by Sergei Loznitsa. Warsaw, Tuesday, May 14, Kinoteka.


Reżyseria/Directed by: Siergiej Łoźnica
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Pavel Kostomarov
Producenci/Producers: Heino Deckert
Produkcja /Production: Arte, Ma.Ja.De Filmproduktion, Mitteldeutscher Rundfunk (MDR)

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