PDFF 2013 PDFF 2013
Bella Vista
El Bella Vista
Bella Vista
dir. Alicia Cano Menoni, Germany/ Uruguay, 2012, 73 mins
Section: Intimate Stories  ·  Competition: Magic Hour Award
Screening times
May 10 15:00, Kinoteka 4 Buy online
May 12 12:30, Kinoteka 4 Buy online
May 13 13:00, Kinoteka 4 Buy online
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About the film

It has been 20 years since a fight broke out in a small provincial city in Uruguay between soccer fans and the players of the local Bella Vista soccer club. The team was eliminated from the competition and its abandoned clubhouse was eventually taken over by a highly popular transvestite brothel. Onetime director of the club and local strongman Patón Lerena, however, will not stand for such a “desecration” of the clubhouse. He rouses the former players and begins transforming this new “den of iniquity” into a Catholic chapel. Documentarist Alicia Cano records the entire enterprise with a flair for tapping into the particular artistic sensibility she finds in that remote corner of the world. Moreover, from a formal point of view, she also introduces stylized and semi-acted sequences, in which the characters of her playful documentary bring to mind the magical-realistic microworld of a Marquez novel or, conversely, the antiheroes of a TV sports drama.

Wybrane nagrody i festiwale / Selected festivals and awards: 2012 – MFF Karlowe Wary / Karlove Vary IFF, 2012 – MFF Valdivia: Nagroda Publiczności / Valdivia IFF: Audience Award, 2012 – FF Zurych: Nagroda Specjalna / Zurich FF: Special Mention


Reżyseria/Directed by: Alicia Cano Menoni
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Arauco Hernández Holz
Producenci/Producers: Alicia Cano Menoni, Mario Jacob, Thomas Mauch

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