Pictorial Candi in concert

Wednesday, May 16, 2012, 10:30 p.m., Festival Club Cafe Kulturalna

Free admission!

Pictorial Candi, or Candelaria Saenz Valiente, is also known as the voice of ParisTetris. She has just recorded her first solo album titled Eat Your Coney Island. In order to do so, she learned to play a cheap guitar, which you will be able to hear on some of the tracks. The album is for the most part a gentle journey: starting out melodically, moving on to a couple of punk moments, before reaching a grandiose organ-fuelled climax, and finishing things off with a psychedelic trombone piece. It’s a heartfelt love letter to R. Stevie Moore, Daniel Johnston, Skip James, and everything tape recorder low-fi. What can you expect style-wise? Asian/Caribbean – vintage/pop – punk/rock – chamber music – experimental – music for thought. Candi will be joined on stage by Adam Byczkowski, Ola Rzepka, Marcin Masecki, and others.