Competitions: Audience Award

This year, once again the audience of PLANETE+ DOC FILM FESTIVAL will vote for the best film which will receive the Audience Award and 2,000 euros. The award is funded by PLANETE+ documentary TV channel.

All films presented during the Festival will compete for the Audience Award. Each of you can vote and be a festival judge! To spare our planet some wasteful tree cutting, we have decided that this year your film ticket will also serve as your ballot, with a 1 to 4 scale printed on its back. To vote, just tear the ticket slightly in the space assigned to the mark of your choice and drop it in the designated box marked “PLANETE+ DOC FILM FESTIVAL Audience Award” located at the Kinoteka and Luna theatres.
If the screening featured 2 films, please write down their titles (or at least the first words of each title) on your ballot and grade each of them with a 1 to 4 mark. Audience Award ceremony will be held May 19, 2012, Luna Cinema.