Red Forest Hotel
Punaisen metsän hotelli
Hotel Red Forest
dir. Mika Koskinen, Finland, 2011, 87 mins
Section: Climate for Change  ·  Competition: Green Warsaw Award
Screening times
May 11 15:00, Luna B
May 12 13:00, Kinoteka 3Buy online
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About the film

In rural China, farmers are intimidated into relinquishing their land for tree plantations. The Finnish-Swedish company Stora Enso is planting water-guzzling eucalyptus trees for a pulp and paper factory that is due to be built. Finnish filmmaker Mika Koskinen travels to the affected region in Southern China to talk with the farmers, only to find himself in an absurd situation where friendly propaganda officers want to provide "impartial and objective information from the government." One of their pieces of advice for him is to take a vacation at the seaside. Meanwhile, the people with whom he wanted to make contact are arrested or "given a holiday." The director himself is more or less confined to the Red Forest Hotel, hopelessly waiting for authorization to film in the affected villages. Some brave and desperate farmers try to make contact with the filmmaker, but the film project is obstructed at every turn. There is nothing to do but give up. A year later, he tries once again to find out what is taking place in the Chinese countryside.

Wybrane nagrody i festiwale /Selected festivals and awards: 2011 - IDFA/International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, 2012 - Docpoint, Helsinki


Reżyseria/Directed by: Mika Koskinen
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Mika Mattila
Producenci/Producers: Mika Koskinen, Risto Rumpunen
Produkcja/Production: Luxian Productions Oy

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