GENERATION KUNDUZ – The War of the Others
GENERATION KUNDUZ – Der Krieg der Anderen
Pokolenie Kunduz
dir. Martin Gerner, Germany, 2011, 80 mins
Section: Fetish and Culture  ·  Competition: Amnesty International Award
Screening times
May 12 17:00, Kinoteka 4Buy online
May 13 20:30, Luna B
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About the film

The story of five young Afghan in Kunduz, a city in the Afghan war. Mirwais,10, who defines war and peace with the words of a child. Nazanin a local reporter who fights for women's rights while wearing a burqa Hasib, a student and democracy activist, who dreams of free and fair elections. Ghulam and Khatera, who are shooting a film in the middle of the armed conflict. A look into the minds of a young generation that lives in constant fear of Taliban attacks and the consequences of the foreign military’s presence. Daily life suddenly switching to disrupting realities. Nonetheless, all five protagonists dream of a modern society, like their counterparts in the Arab world. But will the wishes of these young Afghans be heard?

Wybrane nagrody i festiwale/Selected festivals and awards: 2011 - Montreal World FF, 2011 - DOK Leipzig, Nagroda DEFA/ DOK Leipzig, DEFA Award


Reżyseria/Directed by: Martin Gerner
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Resa Asarshahab, Ali Husseini, Karim Amin,
Aziz Deldar, Martin Gerner
Producenci/Producers: Martin Gerner
Produkcja/Production: Martin Gerner, Filmproduktion

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