Avatars as Prostitutes
Awatary jako prostytutki
dir. Piotr Kopik, Poland, 2012, 51 mins
Screening times
May 14 21:00, Kinoteka 7Buy online
May 20 18:30, Kinoteka 5Buy online
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About the film

Multimedia artist, Piotr Kopik, has explored prostitution in the virtual world of Second Life® first - hand. He recorded his sexual experiences with many prostitutes and tried to get to know them as well. After analyzing his film stock, he decided to consult with the authorities and experts from different disciplines, including art, religion and science. He asked them: How are sexual needs and identity changing because of technological developments? Is virtual prostitution some how real? Is virtual prostitution more acceptable because it is conducted over the internet? Are these internet peripheries going to transcend into the norm of virtual reality in the future? Will our sexuality move out of the real world? He interviewed the following people:Jacek Bławut - filmmaker, director, documentarian, Bartek Chaciński - journalist, Lew Starowicz- sexologist, Grzegorz Kowalski - visual arts professor, Paweł Siłakowski - street worker, Ula - prostitute, Łukasz Orbitowski - fantasy writer of fantasy, Aleksandra Przegalińska - philosopher, Anna Bloda - lifestyle photographer, Marek Poryzała - catholic priest, Lech Nijakowski – sociologist, Alina Synakiewicz - feminist, sexual educator.

Wybrane nagrody i festiwale /Selected festivals and awards: 2012 - PLANETE+ DOC FF premiera światowa/world premiere


Reżyseria/Directed by: Piotr Kopik
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Rafał Żwirek
Producenci/Producers: Marta Rybicka, Dariusz Zawiślak
Produkcja/Production: Miramey

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