China Heavyweight
Chiny. Waga ciężka
dir. Yung Chang, Canada/China, 2012, 89 mins
Screening times
May 11 17:00, Luna A
May 14 14:00, Kinoteka 1Buy online
May 20 13:00, Luna A
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About the film

In central China, a Master coach recruits poor rural teenagers and turns them into Western-style boxing champions. Through hard work and discipline, these boys and girls come of age, trained in the art of boxing and the game of life. They are filled with Olympic dreams, hoping to become China’s next amateur heroes. The top student boxers face dramatic choices as they graduate - should they fight for the collective good as amateurs or for their own personal gain as professionals? It’s a metaphor for the choices that everyone faces now, in the New China.

Wybrane nagrody i festiwale /Selected festivals and awards: 2012 - IDFA/International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, 2012 - FF Sundance/Sundance FF


Reżyseria/Directed by: Yung Chang
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Shaoguang Sun
Producenci/Producers: Bob Moore, Peter Wintonick
Produkcja /Production: EyeSteelfilm & Yuan Fang Media

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