You! Him? Me?
Ty! On? Ja?
dir. Tomasz Bardorsch, Poland, 2011, 40 mins
Screening times
May 20 16:00, Kinoteka 5Buy online
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About the film

The film tells the story of Lena, born and raised in Siberia, in a completely atheistic environment. Together with the knowledge about her, the story of her budding faith and vocation develops. The background to Lena’s story is the situation of contemporary Catholics who live in North-West Siberia, where religion was almost completely eliminated after the October Revolution for 70 years.

Wybrane festiwale i nagrody/Selected festivals and awards: 2012 - PLANETE+ DOC, premiera światowa/ world premiere


Reżyseria/Directed by: Tomasz Bardorsch
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Hubert Mastalerz, Jakub Czerwiński
Producenci/Producers: ks. Kazimierz Sowa
Produkcja/Production: Telewizja Religia

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