Meanwhile in Mamelodi
Tymczasem w Mamelodi
dir. Benjamin Kahlmeyer, Germany, 2011, 75 mins
Section: Fetish and Culture  ·  Competition: Canon Cinematography Award
Screening times
May 16 21:30, Kinoteka 2Buy online
May 17 17:00, Kinoteka 7Buy online
May 18 19:00, Kinoteka 5Buy online
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About the film

Recorded for all eternity: the ecstasy in Steven’s face when South Africa scores the first goal of the 2010 World Cup. In Extension 11, one of the countless districts of the township of Mamelodi, Pretoria, all hell breaks loose. For a brief moment Steven forgets what he calls the most important thing in his life at some other point in the film: ‘doing business’. A big term for the little kiosk that feeds his family. Set against the World Cup, “Meanwhile in Mamelodi” shows the lives of ordinary people who must hustle to get by. Moskito for example, Steven's gawky 17-year-old daughter, who confidently describes herself as a child of the post-Apartheid generation and is looking for a way out of poverty. Steven's wife is suffering from a mysterious mental disease that is kept at bay only by massive doses of medication. Another burden. No, life isn’t easy. But Steven steadfastly pursues his plan. In one of the most beautiful scenes of this very intimate portrait of a family Steven sings the song about the boss while he serves his customers. Everything is better than working for the man. An insight that is true whatever the colour of your skin is.

Wybrane nagrody i festiwale /Selected festivals and awards: 2011 - DOK Leipzig, 2011 - Festiwal Filmów Dokumentalnych Kassel/Kassel Documentary FF


Reżyseria/Directed by: Benjamin Kahlmeyer
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Stefan Neuberger
Producenci/Producers: Boris Frank
Produkcja/Production: Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg

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Saw it in Toronto: Brilliant! (FrankZappa)