Back to the Square
Powrót na Plac Wolności
dir. Petr Lom, Torstein Grude, Greece/Norway, 2012, 83 mins
Screening times
May 12 19:30, Kinoteka 4Buy online
May 13 16:30, Kinoteka 4Buy online
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About the film

We filmed in Egypt for ten months since the beginning of the Revolution in January.A year later, protests continue, but the euphoria of Tahrir Square and its Egyptian “Velvet Revolution” have given way to a more sober realization that Egypt has a long struggle ahead to free itself of old power structures, entrenched elites, endemic corruption, and above all, widespread abuse of basic human rights. More than 12, 000 protesters have been detained and tried in military tribunals that hand down sentences of one to four years in trials often lasting merely one hour.There have been no systematic attempts to reform the police, which is responsible for the majority of the 900 killed during the revolution.Those who fired at and killed protesters have yet to be tried. Many Egyptians still live in a world of fear.But the difference is, in the new Egypt, that they are not willing to remain silent in the face of injustice. We follow five different characters from very different aspects of Egyptian society, all of whom have suffered State injustice since the revolution. Our film is about courage to resist injustice in post-revolutionary Egypt.

Wybrane nagrody i festiwale/Selected festivals and awards: 2011 - MFF Roterdam/Rotterdam IFF, 2011 - One World Międzynarodowy Dokumentalny Festiwal Praw Człowieka/One World International Human Rights Documentary Film Festival


Reżyseria/Directed by: Petr Lom, Torstein Grude
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Petr Lom
Producenci/Producers: Torstein Grude, Petr Lom
Produkcja /Production: Piraya Film AS, Lom Films

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