And God Created Sex
I Bóg stworzył seks
dir. Konrad Szołajski, Poland, 2011, 52 mins
Screening times
May 13 21:30, Kinoteka 7Buy online
May 15 21:30, Kinoteka 7Buy online
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About the film

„And God Created Sex” is a story about father Ksawery Knotz, a charismatic Catholic monk, family counsellor. An open attitude towards sex is a significant part of his teachings. He publishes bestselling books and conducts marriage retreats dedicated to new and original - at least for Polish Catholics - concepts related to human sexuality. This all takes place in a country where very traditional principles are still preserved in the Church’s teaching. Over 20 years after the fall of the iron curtain and the opening of Poland to the world, millions of people still declare being Catholic and practice this religion in its most dogmatic version, unknown to the rest of Europe. Each Sunday temples are filled with believers taking part in religious ceremonies. These peoples’ lives - from christening till funeral - are organized in accordance with religious practices. Polish Catholics have a new dilemma now - after the change of the political system their attitude towards life and especially towards sex - started to become more “European”. Once puritans, they are now becoming hedonistis. And try to combine their sexuality and the dogmatic teaching of the Church, where most of what is pleasant is banned. The riddle seems to be insoluble.

Wybrane nagrody i festiwale /Selected festivals and awards: 2011 - Festiwal Filmów Polskich, Chicago/Polish Film Festival, Chicago


Reżyseria/Directed by: Konrad Szołajski
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Michał Ślusarczyk
Producenci/Producers: Ewa Żukowska, Konrad Szołajski, Marc Lorber, Jerzy Dzięgielewski, Anna Skonieczna,
Produkcja /Production: HBO Ceska Republika Spol. s r.o, ZK Studio Sp. z o.o.

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Znakomity obraz ukazujący problemy współżycia małżeństw katolickich. Film szokuje, bo odkrywa prywatne, nieznane dla większości ludzi, sfery seksualne w duchu katolickim. Piękny, nieraz zabawny film. Polecam! (nuk)