Time for Outrage!
Czas oburzenia!
dir. Tony Gatlif, USA, 2012, 73 mins
Screening times
May 15 21:00, Kinoteka 1Buy online
May 16 16:30, Luna A
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About the film

“Time For Outrage!” is a poetic documentary that follows and explores Stèphane Hessel’s manifesto of the same name. It is neither an interview nor a speech, but the portrait of a strong, politically committed man, who appears on screen in a film by Tony Gatlif. From North African revolutions to angered Europeans, we travel through the present time, with a contemporary cinematographic vision. Stéphane Hessel arms us with the strength of his book and Tony Gatlif’s directing extends the text though his vision.

Wybrane nagrody i festiwale/ Selected festivals and awards: 2012 - MFF Berlinale/Berlinale IFF


Reżyseria/Directed by: Tony Gatlif
Zdjęcia/Cinematography by: Sébastien Saadoun, Dominique Gentil, Colin Houben
Producenci/Producers: Delphine Mantoulet
Produkcja/Production: Princes Production, Arte France

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